

総合英語コース5 Lesson 35 副詞のカタマリを作る接続詞


Fat   Great!!!


I Learn English Naturally

1.  Although I have never lived abroad, I can speak English. 
2.  My mother taught me English words when l was a kid. 
3.  I started reading English books when l was three years old. 
4.  When I was young, she read bedtime stories in English before I went to bed.
5.  She played English nursery rhymes while I was asleep. 
6.  My mother believed that those things could help me learn English naturally. 
7.  Now that I am a teenager, I can communicate well with foreigners in English. 
8.  You  can be better at it as long as you speak the language every day. 
9.  I talk in English with my friends because it’s helpful for me.
 10.  I always try to speak in English even if I’m not at school.



1. 私は海外に住んだことがありませんが、英語を話せます。
2. 私が子供の頃、母は私に英単語を教えてくれました。
3. 私は 3 歳のときに英語の本を読み始めました。
4. 私が幼い頃、彼女は私が寝る前に英語でおやすみの物語を読んでくれました。
5. 私が寝ている間、彼女は英語の童謡を聞かせてくれました。
6. 母は、これらのことが私が自然に英語を学ぶのに役立つと信じていました。
7. 私は 10 代なので、英語で外国人とうまくコミュニケーションをとることができます。
8. 毎日その言語を話している限り、上達することができます。
9. 私は英語が役立つので友達と英語で話します。
10. 学校にいないときでも、私はいつも英語で話すようにしています。


1. abroad
Although I have never lived abroad, I can speak English. 

2. bedtime stories
When I was young, she read bedtime stories in English before I went to bed.

3. nursery rhymes
 She played English nursery rhymes while I was asleep. 

     *a simple traditional song or poem for children.


5. communicate    

Now that I am a teenager, I can communicate well with foreigners in English. 

I have been to abroad such as many countries in the Europe and America.
When I was a kid my mother told bedtime stories before going to sleep.
I also told some of nursery rhymes to my children before going to sleep.
I'm going to fall asleep.
Speaking English is a good tool to communicate with foreigners as a common language.
Yes, the speaker can speak english.
He started learning English when he was 3 years old.
His mother try to tell some bedtime stories and Nursery rhymes.
His mother played English nursery rhymes.
Yes, the speaker try to speak English even without school.
I was 22 when I started to speak English.