


Over 67 Million Speak a Foreign Language at Home in US


eikaiwa.dmm.com 米国、6700万人以上が自宅で外国語を話す In 2018, a record 67.3 million US residents spoke a language other than English at home, according to the US Center for Immigration Studies. That number, which is almost 22% of the pop…


english-talk-with.me Thank you I really appreciate your help. 導いていただき感謝しています。 I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve taught me. 教えていただいたすべてのことに一生感謝し続けます。 Thank you for sharing your wisdom with…

Many Young Americans Think They Don't Need College


eikaiwa.dmm.com Many Young Americans Think They Don't Need College 米国の多くの若者、大学は必要ないと考える Many young Americans think that a high school diploma is enough for success, according to a survey by The Associated Press. The sur…


Many Young Americans Think They Don't Need College 米国の多くの若者、大学は必要ないと考える Many young Americans think that a high school diploma is enough for success, according to a survey by The Associated Press. The survey included 2,5…

Simple Rules for Writing Effective Emails


eikaiwa.dmm.com 効果的なEメールを書くための簡単な決まり Making a few small changes to how you write emails can save time, and get people to reply sooner and more often. Subject lines A good subject line can be the difference between someon…

Italian Students to Study Climate Change from 2020


eikaiwa.dmm.com Starting in September 2020, all Italian public school students will have to study climate change. Education minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said they will study about 33 hours of climate change – almost one hour per week of sch…


Italian Students to Study Climate Change from 2020 Starting in September 2020, all Italian public school students will have to study climate change. Education minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said they will study about 33 hours of climate chang…

Dubai Tourists Can Now Buy Alcohol in Shops


Dubai Tourists Can Now Buy Alcohol in Shops Dubai has relaxed its liquor laws to allow tourists to buy alcohol in state-controlled stores. The stores had previously only been open to residents with licenses, but the new laws will let visit…

p-study 英検2級を学びながら

resume = 再び始める 問題集の発音がおかしいsymptom = 兆候sympathy = 同情、あわれみacute = 鋭いkeen= 鋭いstatistics = 統計opposite = の反対側にcontray = 逆にtransfer = 移すtransform = 変換するupset = 狼狽させるscare = 恐がらせるannoy = 悩ま…

仮定法 その2

manab-juku.me I wish + 仮定法過去・過去完了 【I wish + 仮定法の公式】 ・I wish+主語+過去形 ~ (意味)~ならいいのに ・I wish+主語+過去完了形 ~ (意味)~したらよかったのに 「I wish + 仮定法過去」で実現していない願望、「I wish + 仮定…


www.makocho0828.net ポイントは 副詞節か名詞節かの見極め 副詞節は文の要素にあたらない・・・あくまでも条件・時を表す修飾の節 この節の動詞は原型にする 名詞節は文の構造上、第3文型・第4文型の目的語としての働きを担う この節の動詞は、未来形です。…


ceburyugaku.jp 英語 意味 Grammar 文法 part of speech 品詞 Sentence 文章 Paragraph 段落 Subject 主語 Object 目的語 Noun 名詞 Pronoun 代名詞 Adjective 形容詞 Verb 動詞 Adverb 副詞 Conjunction 接続詞 Preposition 前置詞 Interjection 感嘆詞 Art…

Painting Found in Woman's Kitchen Sells for $26.6M


eikaiwa.dmm.com 女性の台所で発見された絵画が2,660万ドルで落札 An old painting found in the kitchen of an elderly French woman has made her rich. The painting is called Christ Mocked, and is about 24 by 20 centimeters in size. It was painte…

Hawaii Politician Wants Tourists to Promise to Respect Island


eikaiwa.dmm.com ハワイの政治家が島への配慮を誓うよう観光客に求めるA politician in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, wants tourists to promise to respect and help protect the island of Oahu and its culture.Councilwoman Kymberly Pine wants to…