



仮定法あり得ない事を過去で表すI will fly to youI would fly to you. A true friend wouldn't say such a thing.An honest man wouldn't make an excuse. In her place, I ( would accept) your propose. 「I wish+仮定法」などの表現仮定法の予告I wish …


名詞 noun 代名詞 pronoun 動詞 verb 他動詞 transitive verb 自動詞 intransitive verb 助動詞 auxiliary verb 形容詞 adjective 副詞 adverb 前置詞 preposition 接続詞 conjunction 間投詞 interjection 冠詞 article 不定冠詞 indefinite article 定冠詞…


A weather forecast reported a huge typhoon was coming to our area at the midnight. My house is at the top of the mountain, so I left my house for Kyoto and stayed a hotel. Because my important journey taking my singing group to all japan c…


Pardon? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.I'm sorry, I don't get it.Could you please say that again?I am sorry, come again?I am sorry, could you repeat it?Could you spell it out?Could you type that in the Skype's chat box?Could you say it i…


Music is the only tool which can cross over the boundaries and connect people. This beautiful catchphrase Is really true? This catchphrase seems me no meaning during the time of wars or conflicts. They need stonger weapons to defeat enemy,…



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Articleニュース記事Tanglewood Music Center Celebrates 75th Anniversary


https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/tanglewood-music-center-celebrates-75th-anniversary/tQHEErlxEeaQUlezimAh4Q Tanglewood Music Center Celebrates 75th Anniversary タングルウッド音楽センター、75周年を記念する The world famous Bos…