


英検第一日目 (5)


eikaiwa.dmm.com admission 入場料 get annoyed impatient イラつく せっかち 3 ? 3? concern 懸念 6? 6? years afterwards その後数年 7? 7? due to the strong wind 強風のため正常 no other means of transportation 他の輸送手段はありません obtain …

Why More Americans Are Moving to Smaller Cities


eikaiwa.dmm.com More Americans are moving to smaller cities in search of a better life. They're leaving places like Los Angeles, Chicago and New York for cities such as Phoenix and Las Vegas, according to the US Census Bureau. One of the m…

Lea Fo(リア)profile 25歳


eikaiwa.dmm.com Hi, my name is Lea. I have been learning English since I was 3 years old. I spent some time learning English abroad, so I came into contact with many native speakers. The time I spent interacting with native speakers helped…