

速読速聴・Core1800 第4章 教育【22~26】

【22】Graduate college in three years, not four.

Smart kids will be able to wrap up college in three years instead of four by taking more credits per semester if approved by schools,  according to the University Council, an advisory panel to the education minister.

Under the current system, college students must attend classes for at least four years before graduating.

The panel's recommendation would pemit schools to students to take more classes than the set limit.

If a student who skipped the third year of high school to enter college, a grade skipping system introduced this year, uitilized the newly proposed system, the student would be able to earn a bachelor's degree by age 20.

wrap up  Let's wrap it up! それを仕上げてしまおう approve 賛成する 承認する・・allow  認める Council 審議会 協議会 理事会 advisory panel  諮問委員会 proposed system 提案されたシステム








【23】Education reform needs balance

The nation has recent years witnessed an accelerated drive to lift regulations in many sectors of society and to transfer some power from the central government to local authorities.

This has served to step up efforts to reform the education system in a process that has been described as "educational liberalization."

Such a liberalized educational system will inevitably mean that some responsibility must be assumed by every member of society.

The drive for a freer and more flexible education system will no doubt raise many questions about whether school administrators, teachers, parents and local officials will be able to work together.

drive 「動き」という名詞はなじみがない lift regulations 規制を緩和する。・・・「持ち上げる」だけではない。has served to~ ~するのに役立つ step up efforts 努力を向上させる  process 過程 inevitably  必然的に assume  当然とする







【24】A survey; truancy and college graduates' unemployment.

The number of elementary and junior high school truants has been on a steady rise since the Education Ministry started its surveys in fiscal 1991.

The number of truants exceeded 100,000 for the first time last year, despite the ministry's efforts to tackle the issue.

The effect of the recession also surfaced in the survey,  revealing that only two out of thee colloge graduates found jobs in fiscal 1997,  marking the worst record since 1951.

truancytru 本来の意味は無断欠席 truants tru・ant  怠け者. exceed 上回る revealing ~  ~を明らかにする






【25】Ph.D. doesn't equal a job in S. Korea.

Perhaps no country places a greater emphasis on education than South Korea.

But as its economic crisis deepens, forcing broad social changes, South Korea is being forced to rethink its view of higher education.

"I think the only Ph.D.s worth getting these days are the practical ones: engineering and science. We have enough liberal arts Ph.D.s to last for generations," said Milton Kim, president and CEO of Ssangyong Investment & Securities Co.

 place emphasis on・・・~を強調する Investment・・調査は何だっけ・・investigate・・そっくりじゃん as   どう訳せばいいかわからん・・・につれて

force 力だけじゃないな・・・

「力」という語感から、動詞の場合、「~することを強いる」、「強制的に~させる」という意味が生じる。force+人・物+to doで「人・物に~させる」という意味になる。


① forcing broad social changes は分祠構文、

② being forced  は受け身の進行形 と考えるべきかな。









【26】School uniform

 It is hardly obvious if school uniform policies have a profound effect on the most important issue in schools,  namely student achievement.

Studies on that link are scarce, although many educators contend that higher attendance and better discipline often help students focus more on their class work and improve their grades.

 It is hardly obvious きちんとお勉強しなきゃ 



She is working hard. 彼女は熱心に働いている。

She is hardly working. 彼女はほとんど働いていない。

詳しくは https://talking-english.net/hardly/

contend contentじゃない・・I contend ~. 私は主張する.

namely  名前に関係ない!!・・・すなわち in other words

It was due a week ago, namely on April second.

scarce  恐れるのscaredと似てるけど・・・・不足で、少なくて、欠乏して、少ない、まれな

 discipline よく見るけれどイメージがない・・・名詞と動詞がわかっていなかったのだ!!

mental discipline…精神鍛練
military discipline…軍事訓練
a good discipline…優れたレーニン
keep discipline…規律を守る
strict discipline…厳しい規律
scientific disciplines…科学分野


He disciplined the students.(彼はその生徒を注意した
You have to discipline yourself to get up early.(君は早起きする習慣をつけるべきだ)
discipline a child(子どもにしつけをする


