

DiCaprio Promises $43 million to Protect the Galápagos


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In other words, to protect endangered species from extinction is the goal/aim of DiCaprio's organization.


DiCaprio Promises $43 million to Protect the Galápagos

A project led by actor Leonardo DiCaprio has promised $43 million to "rewild" the Galápagos Islands, as well as all of Latin America's Pacific islands.

The project is supported by Re:wild, a charity that DiCaprio started with a group of scientists this year to help protect and restore natural areas around the world.

In a May 17 Twitter post announcing the project, DiCaprio wrote, "more than half of Earth's remaining wild areas could disappear in the next few decades." He said that Re:wild will help protect what's still wild, and restore what is not.

 このプロジェクトを発表した5月17日のツイッターの投稿で、ディカプリオは「地球上の自然が残っている地域の半分以上が、今後数十年のうちに消滅する可能性がある」と書いた。 Re:wildは自然が残っている場所を保護し、そうでない場所を回復するための支援を行う、と彼は述べた。

Some of the promised $43 million will help restore Floreana Island, the sixth largest island in the Galápagos.


Floreana is home to 55 threatened species, and according to the Galapagos Conservation Trust, there are 12 more species that have already disappeared from the island and need to be brought back. One of those species is the Floreana mockingbird, which was the first type of mockingbird described by Charles Darwin when he came to the islands in 1835.

 フロレアナ島には55種の絶滅危惧種が生息し、ガラパゴス保護トラストによると、同島から12種以上がすでに姿を消し、呼び戻す必要がある。 そのうちの1種はチャールズマネシツグミで、チャールズ・ダーウィンが1835年に同島を訪れたときに初めて記述したマネシツグミの種だ。

Money will also go to helping the pink iguana and the Floreana tortoise, and more will be done to help protect the islands from the impact of tourism.


Found about 1,000 kilometers from the coast of Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands are famous for having plants and animals that aren't found anywhere else in the world. But the islands' environment is now threatened by illegal fishing, tourism and species that arrived along with humans, including cats, rats and fire ants.

 エクアドルの海岸から約1,000キロ離れたガラパゴス諸島は、世界の他の場所では見られない動植物が生息することで有名だ。 しかし、同島の環境は現在、違法漁業、観光事業、および猫、ネズミ、ヒアリといった人間と共に入ってきた種によって脅かされている。