

14 副詞節のメモ

256)  The night before the university entrance examination, I was all too anxious and couldn't get to sleep till the small hours of the morning.



257)  When I was looking for my son's report card the day before yesterday, I came across photographs of nude women in the bottom drawer of his desk.

・物を偶然見つける・人と偶然出会う=run (bump) into


258)  "It smells delicious," Tom said, and just as he reached for a slice, his mother slapped him on the wrist and said, "You must be patient."



259)  The orphan lived with a succession of foster parents, until he was adopted by a middle-aged couple who couldn't have children of their own.

・Human life is a succession of chance encounters, However, each of circumstances are interconnected at the deepest level.  ・一連


260)  "It's useless to look to him for leadership because he is rather timid and slow to make up his mind. We'd better not leave this matter to him."



261)"Since there's no lime available for the time being, we've got to either make do with vinegar or just do without. It won't make much difference anyway."

・当面のあいだ ・間に合わせる


262)  Capitalism, as opposed to socialism or communism, is believed to have a favorable effect on the economy in that it promotes efficiency through competition.

・とは対照的に / と比較すると as compared with   ・という理由で ・効率を促進する


263)  Colonel Sanders looked me in the eye and said, "If you persist in ignoring my commands, I'll be obliged to transfer you somewhere else."

・固執する ・余儀なく~する I'm much [deeply] obliged to you for your kindness. ご親切のほど深く感謝いたします.


264)Deep in thought, the captain murmured, "Even if we conserve our food, it will only be sufficient to sustain us for two weeks at most."
・節約する 保護する  ・充分 enough, sufficient, adequate, satisfactory, perfect


265)In the event of a big earthquake, be sure to turn off the gas immediately and don't leave the building unless you are otherwise instructed.



266)  The savage ruler said, "As far as I'm concerned, you can adopt whatever means you like, as long as it attains our primary objective."

・野蛮 savage, wild, uncivilized, feral, untamed, primitive
殺伐 savage, brutal, bloodthirsty, violent
蛮的 savage, rustic
非情 ruthless, cruel, callous, pitiless, insensitive, savage
因業 unfeeling, heartless, cruel, brutal, savage, brutish
どうもうな ferocious, fierce, savage

目的 purpose, objective, aim, goal, intention
目標 target, objective, mark

客観 objective
他覚的 objective


267)  "In case I forget, do remind me to mail this. I suffer from a loss of memory these days. As you grow older, your memory is apt to fail."

・しそうな傾向にある apt, likely 


268)  "What if we get lost on the way? I suggest taking a sleeping bag and some extra food with us just in case. We can't be too cautious."



269)  "I will now demonstrate how to take it apart and put it together so that you can do it yourself from now on. I'll do it twice so that you won't forget it."


270)  "If I am not able to attend the banquet, I'll phone you in advance so you can arrange for someone else to take my place."



271)To relieve our anxiety, the manager told us, "Do as you please. If anything should go wrong, I'll take full responsibility for it."

・relieve, soften, mitigate, moderate, allay, deaden ・気に入るように


272)  It's a shame indeed that while we have more food than we can consume, a great many people are starving to death in the Third World.

・恥 (口語的に)残念


273)  Some of those present demanded that wearing seat belts be made compulsory by law, whereas others insisted that it remain voluntary.



274)"Where there is a will, there is a way." "I'm not sure what it means." "In other words, you can achieve whatever goal you have."

275)Although the situation called for swift action, we were at a loss as to what to do, for none of us had anticipated a calamity of that magnitude. 

 迅速  rapid, quick, fast, prompt, swift

類義語  in terms of as for, regarding, concerning, about

anticipate / expect / predict

災害 disaster, calamity, misfortune
災い calamity, catastrophe

276)  Even though he hates studying and skips virtually every lecture, he is unwilling to quit school, simply because he prefers school to work.


  She is willing to do anything for me.

277)  "You are to be back by 11 o'clock at the latest whether you like it or not. It doesn't matter where you go and what you do so long as you behave yourself."

 You should be back
「as long as ~」「so long as ~」は両方とも条件を表し「~する限り」という意味

278)  "I'm filled with misgiving," the senior senator observed, "In general the youth of today, whether at home or abroad, are utterly indifferent to politics."

心配 worry, concern, care, fear, anxiety,
心労 anxiety, worry, care, apprehension, concern,

279)  "He bumped my car against a lamppost? How clumsy of him! No matter what he does, he is careless and awkward." "I wonder who he takes after."

ぎこちない awkward, clumsy, stiff, constrained, angular

280)  No matter how abundant natural resources may seem, they are limited and bound to be exhausted, so why don't we utilize them sensibly?

    rich :金銭的・物質的に「豊か」な
    wealthy :裕福な、金持ちの
    abundant :あり余るほど豊富な 

be bound to = be certain to do 確実だ

281)Beaming with goodwill, the amiable missionary called, "All contributions, however small, will be much appreciated. Every bit counts."