

Gayle 10/29

Hi Ken! I am beyond glad to see you today!
I am glad you are still hear and such a consistent learner.
I am proud of how far you have came and witnessed so much growth and improvement from you.
In the span of 2 months, a lot of things have changed,
but you managed to exceed my expectations.
I do hope to see you again, really soon!


I am beyond glad to see you today!


・He's beyond cool. : 彼は超格好いいです。

I am glad you are still hear and such a consistent learner.

  • 〔意見・言行などが~と〕一致した、矛盾のない、つじつまの合った
    ・His findings were consistent with the report. : 彼の調査結果は、その報告書と一致していました。
    ・Everything that the company sells to us seems consistent with our values. : その会社が私たちに販売しているものは、どれも私たちの価値観と合っているように思えます。
  • 〔主義などが〕一貫性のある
    ・His behavior was consistent with his principles. : 彼の行動は、彼の主義と一致していました。
  • 〔進展・成長などが〕着実な

I am proud of how far you have came and witnessed so much growth and improvement from you.


過去を振り返って。英語らしい表現で「成長したね」と言おう! | 話す英語。暮らす英語。

In the span of 2 months, a lot of things have changed,
but you managed to / exceed my expectations. 

