

Lesson 23 前置詞と前置詞を使ったフレーズ①

Adrian: Hi Chiharu, are you satisfied with your new laptop?
Chiharu: I am, it’s fantastic! My old laptop was so slow; but with this one, I can do everything 5 times faster.
Adrian: That’s great. I don’t think I could cope with a slow laptop.
Chiharu: Yeah, I don’t know how I dealt with the slow speed for so long. It resulted in a lot of wasted time.
Adrian: Did you also buy some new software?
Chiharu: Not yet. That’s actually the next thing for me to try to buy. I’m really interested in finding some better software than what I have.
Adrian: Well in that case, take a look at this catalogue. It’s filled with all the latest software.
Chiharu: That sounds very interesting. Thanks, Adrian.
Adrian: Don’t mention it.

エイドリアン: こんにちは、チハルさん、新しいラップトップに満足していますか?
千春:私は、それは素晴らしいです !私の古いラップトップはとても遅かったです。しかし、これを使えば、すべての作業が 5 倍速くなります。
エイドリアン: 素晴らしいですね。遅いラップトップには対応できないと思います。
エイドリアン: 新しいソフトウェアも購入しましたか?
エイドリアン: では、このカタログを見てください。最新のソフトウェアがすべて揃っています。
エイドリアン: 言わないで。

1. Why did Chiharu buy a new laptop?
Her old laptop was so slow, it annoyed her a lot.
2. What does Chiharu want to purchase next?
What she wants to purchase next is  some new software.
3. What information does the catalogue contain that Adrian gives her?
It’s filled with all the latest software explaining the content, imformation and price.


2. A: Julie, I think we’ll have to have coffee somewhere else.
B: You’re right. This place is completely (packed with) customers.
a. packed with b. packed in c. full off d. fill in

4. A: Jonny really likes his new electric guitar, don't you think?
8: He's certainly (showing a lot of interest in ) it.
a. showing a lot of results in
b. showing a lot of interest in
c. taking a lot of part in
d. showing much exciting in

5. A: What are your plans for this weekend, Jill?
B: I’m actually ( taking part in) a half-marathon. I think I might regret it!
a. joining to
b. taking along with
c. taking part in
d. participating with

2. A: ジュリー、コーヒーを別の場所で飲まないといけないんじゃないかな。
B: その通りです。 この場所は完全に(満員の)顧客です。
a.  でいっぱい、b。 詰め込み、c。 フルオフ、d. 埋める

4. A: ジョニーは彼の新しいエレクトリック ギターがとても気に入っていると思いませんか?
8: 彼は確かに (に多くの関心を示している) .
a.  で多くの結果を示しています
b. ~に多くの関心を示している
c. に多く参加する
d. で非常にエキサイティングなことを示しています

5. A: ジル、今週末の予定は?
B: 私は実はハーフマラソンに参加しています。 多分後悔すると思います!
a.  に参加
b. 連れて行く
c. に参加する
d. と参加

1. Do you get annoyed if your laptop or some software takes a long time to work?

Yes, I get annoyed when my pc takes a long time. But comparing when I started to handle with old pc installed Windows 3.0, in 1991, processing speed has been incredibly improved and the price has been decreasing to affordable range.

2. What is the last piece of technology you bought? How much do you use it?
I purchased a handy phone with android system, the most amazing point of the device is to work on 3days without charging the battery even I use it every day.

3. What kinds of activities do you like to take part in?
These days the preference of my activities is taking part in English conversation classes on line. it is awesome for the elderly to be acquainted with young beautiful tutors as well as the stimulating and pleasurable effect against loosing energy on the end of life.