




● I said,“This apple is delicious.”〔直〕
→ I said (that) this apple was delicious.〔間〕
● I said,“I feel as if I were strong.”〔直〕
→ I said (that) I felt as if I were strong.〔間〕


● He said,“Time is money.”〔直〕
→ He said (that) time is money.〔間〕


◎肯定文で、say, says, said の後ろに「to+人」が記されていない場合、動詞はそのままです。

● He said,“It is a beautiful day.”〔直〕
→ He said (that) it was a beautiful day.〔間〕

◎肯定文で、say, says, said の後ろに「to+人」がある場合、動詞は tell, tells, told にしましょう。

● He said to me,“It is a beautiful day.”〔直〕
→ He told me (that) it was a beautiful day.〔間〕

※tell+IO(人)+DO(物) の第4文型となります。



● She said to me,“I will lend you some books.”〔直〕
→ She told me (that) she would lend me some books.〔間〕



● She said,“I'm going to meet Jim here tomorrow.”〔直〕
→ She said (that) she was going to meet Jim there the next day.〔間〕

※here → there, tomorrow → the next day, the following day など、会話時の「特定の場所」や「特定の時」は、間接話法では変換します。

◎指示代名詞(this, these)は、話し手から見た相対的な that, thoseに変換します。

● He said,“I has read this book three times.”〔直〕
→ He said (that) he had read that book three times.〔間〕



伝達動詞をsay → ask に変え、疑問詞を使用します。

● Tom said to me,“What are you reading now?”〔直〕
→ Tom asked me what I was reading then .〔間〕


● I said to him,“Where did you go yesterday?”〔直〕
→ I asked him where he had gone the previous day .〔間〕

● Mother said to us,“Who broke this vase today?”〔直〕
→ Mother asked us who had broke that vase that day .〔間〕

※who のように疑問詞が主語になる場合は、疑問詞(S)+動詞(V)の語順になります。


伝達動詞をsay → ask に変え、被伝達部以下を if [whether] +S+V (SがVかどうか)の形にします。

● She said to me,“Was the movie interesting?”〔直〕
→ She asked me if the movie had been interesting.〔間〕

※if は、「~かどうかを」という意味です。

● He said to me,“Did you stay here last summer?”〔直〕
→ He asked me if I had stayed there the previous summer.〔間〕

※say to oneself「心の中で思う」というように自問自答する場合は、伝達動詞をwonder にしましょう。

● She said to herself,“Can I get good marks in the test?”〔直〕
→ She wondered if she could get good marks in the test.〔間〕



◎say+to 人+“被伝達部” → tell+人+to do~ 「人に~するように言う」と変えます。

● The Secretary General said to us,“Get along with everybody now.”〔直〕
→ The Secretary General told us to get along with everybody then.〔間〕

● The general said to the men,“Launch a rocket next Monday.”〔直〕
→ The general commanded the men to launch a rocket the next Monday.〔間〕

※命令色が強い場合、order, command などに変化させます。

◎否定の命令文の場合、say+to 人+“Don't~ .” → tell+人+not to do~ に変えます。

● The president said to us,“Don't listen to him.”〔直〕
→ The president told us not to listen to him.〔間〕


直接話法の被伝達部が、please~, Will you~? という依頼文となっている場合 → ask+人+to do~ 「人に~するように依頼する(頼む)」と変えます。

● He said to his father,“Please help me.”〔直〕
→ He asked his father to help him.〔間〕

※ask のかわりに、beg「頼む」を使うこともできます。

忠 告

直接話法の被伝達部が、忠告を表す場合 → advise +人+to do~ 「人に~するように忠告する」と変えます。

● His father said to him,“Don't spend much money on your toys.”〔直〕
→ His father advised him not to spend much money on his toys.〔間〕

※警告する場合には、advise の代わりに warn を用います。

提 案

直接話法の被伝達部が、Let's~ などの提案を表す場合 → suggest [propose] +(to 人)+that S+V~ 「人に~するように提案する」と変えます。

● His brother said to us,“Let's help him resolve many difficulties.”〔直〕
→ His brother suggested that we (should) help him resolve many difficulties.〔間〕

※suggest to 人 that S +(should)原形~ 〔提案・要求の動詞+that節〕他の動詞では、propose, insist, order, demand などがこの形です。→仮定法現在を参照

※例文を次のような不定詞形にすることは不可です。→ XXXX suggest me to do~







命令文+and [or] S+V~










A.直接話法と間接話法の書き換えになるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) She said to me,“I will go shopping.”
 She ( told  ) me that ( she )( would  ) go shopping.
(2) Mother said to me,“Clean your room.”
 Mother (X ask TOLD ) me ( to ) clean ( my ) room.

命令◎say+to 人+“被伝達部” → tell+人+to do~ 「人に~するように言う」と変えます。

(3) Our teacher said to us,“Don't be late for school.”
  Our teacher told us ( not )( to ) be late for school.
(4) He said to me,“Please open the door.”
 He ( asked ) me ( to )( open ) the door.

被伝達文でPlease~があれば、動詞は、ask+人+to do~
(5) He said to us,“Let's go for a walk.”
  He ( suggest ) to us that we ( go ) for a walk.

被伝達文でLet's~があれば、動詞は、suggest, propose「提案する」を用います。that節中では、仮定法現在の(should)+原形
(6) She said to him,“How did you come here?”
 She asked him how ( he )( had )( come )( there  ).
(7) He said to her,“Did you call me yesterday?”
 He asked her ( if ) she ( had )( called ) him (the  )( previous )( day ).
(8) She said,“How happy I am!”
 She said ( with ) joy that she (  was  )( very ) happy.
(9) Our leader said,“Two members are tired and we have to take a rest.”
 Our leader said that two members ( were  ) tired and (that ) we had to take a rest.

重文の間接話法です。被伝達文の重文が続く場合、and, but の後はthatでつなぎます。
(10) He said to me,“Study hard, and you will pass the exam.”
  He told me (if)( I  ) studied hard ( I  )( Would) pass the exam.


B.直接話法と間接話法の書き換えになるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) She said to Tonny,“I want to see you next week.”
 She told Tonny that ( Tonny )( wanted ) to see him ( the ) next week.
(2) Father said to me,“The earth goes around the sun.”
 Father told me that the earth ( goes ) around the sun.
(3) She said to him,“Did you do your homework yesterday ?”
  She asked him ( if )( he )( had )( done  ) his homework the day before.
(4) He said to me,“Don't smoke here, please.”
 He ( X told  asked ) me ( not )( to ) smoke ( there ).
(5) Father said to me yesterday,“My friend will come to our house tomorrow.”
  Father told me yesterday that ( his ) friend ( would ) come to our house ( today ) .
(6) She said,“May he be alive !”
 She ( prayed ) that he ( might )( be ) alive.
(7) Mother said to me,“I'm going shopping. Will you go with me ?”
 Mother ( told ) me that ( she )( was ) going shopping and ( asked  ) me ( if ) I ( Xwent would  ) go with her.

C.間接話法が直接話法となるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) He told me not to tell a lie.
  He (  ) to me,“(  )(  ) a lie.”
(2) She exclaimed how careless she had been.
  She said,“(  ) careless (  )(  ) !”
(3) The policeman greeted him and asked what he was doing then.
  The policeman said to him,“(  )! What (  )(  ) doing (  ) ?” 
