

UNIT 33-34 未編集

104. The tyrant retained firm control of the situation, and quelled dissent by using force.



105. The talented little boy played the piano concert, as if by instinct.



106. The dangers inherent in his job, did not necessarily bother the policeman untill his marriage.



107. I can't come up with the money. We have to surrender the rights to our property.
What if we sell our bonds?
It's not enough. We still woudn't have sufficient funds.

107.お金を用意できない。 私たちは財産の権利を放棄しなければなりません。
足りません。 まだ十分な資金がありません。

sufficient enough  

enough, sufficient, adequate - 英単語の正しい使い分けを勉強してすっきり英会話!


108. Strict enforcement of school rules dictates that we expel this student for cheating on exams.



109. Every now and then, animals running loose in the area set off the security alarm.
