


UNIT 49-50

162. People who are proficient in language can speak, read, and write it fluently. 162.言語に堪能な人は、流暢に話す、読む、書くことができます。 163. It is not ideal to indulge in flattery, but to believe it is even less prudent. 163.お世辞…

Re-Start 「分詞構文」の弱点 未完

[101-01]I lay on the grass looking at the clouds. 私は雲を見つめながら芝生に横たわっていた。(lie 後述)[101-02]Don't waste time playing video games! テレビゲームなんかしてちゃだめでしょ。[101-03]My office is in the heart of Manhattan, sur…