


passion と enthusiasm の違い passionate emehusiastic

I’m enthusiastic about this project. I have a passion for both music and English. enthusiasm 熱意 名詞 enthusiastic 熱意のある 形容詞 passion 情熱 名詞 passionate 情熱的な 形容詞

「好き」の英単語 like, love, prefer, adore, fond, care for

adoreはloveよりも強い愛情を表す動詞ですが、“She adores her family.”(彼女は家族を愛している)のように、主に女性について述べる場合、または“I adore my family.”(私は家族を愛している)と女性が述べる場合に使います。誰かを、神のように敬愛する/…

準一級も視野に?!初めてのRarejob speaking testの結果


Lesson2: Hobbies Agnes(weblio)

PART A_21. leisure 余暇時間 She loves doing arts and crafts during leisure time.2. costly 高価な Maya left the apartment because she cannot afford the costly rent anymore.3. invest 投資する、費やす The best time to invest in stock market i…

10/10 ZOYA

stark difference - very different from each other in a way that is very obvious. ..明らかな違い - 非常に明白な方法で互いに非常に異なります。 .. There is a stark difference between my and my wife's preference for rides私と妻の乗り物の好みに…

2022-10-06 Pamie 07Joy 08Rosan 【scare,scared,scary】

You said: Wind Soar seems to be scare for young children.Correct: Wind Soar seems to be scary for young children. ① I am scared.「私は怖い。/私は怖がっている。」 ② This movie is scary.「この映画は怖い。/これは人を怖がらせるような映画だ。…

2022-10-05 Pamie

予習 She convinced him to go shopping. She persuaded him to go shopping.You can doodle on the photos with this pen.How do I get one of those stuffed animals? 彼女は彼に買い物に行くよう説得した.彼女は彼に買い物に行くよう説得した。このペンで…


NTRODUCE Long flights can be boring, so it’s helpful to know what kind of in-flight entertainment an airline offers. 長時間のフライトは退屈かもしれません。航空会社がどのような機内エンターテインメントを提供しているかを知るのは、役立つでしょ…



my favorite dish is a slice of burnt fish with grated radish. I like salmon and tuna the best. Taking big fishes to pieces is impossible for ordinary people. but we can purches some sliced fish easily at the store.

9/23 review

Tadakimasu is farther from Shibuya Station than The Zenith. farther father The bushugijiki arrangement is only used for funerals and is considered bad luck. funerals Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI The desserts are better than 砂漠 de…


i found it in your profile page to be said following expression,"So, rest assured that I can help you on your journey."Do you use this expression frequently in a general conversation?


Shichi-go-san (standing for the ages of seven, five and three) is a traditional Japanese ceremony celebrating the growth of children and wishing for their continued good health. Shichi-go-san is one of the few chances when you can see Japa…


Judging from the views of pictures, it is impossible to say which is nicer. I prefer calm atmosphere for my private party. it seems me that Café la France provides more gorgeous air than George’s Patio. simpleのように er,est more, most両方…

Lesson 7: The Perfect Fit It’ll definitely impress everyone!

It is a certain funny story. Many pants which I used to wear are sleeping in my drawers waiting for my waist to get thinner. Soon or later probably the time will come when moving them into the garbage. But it is quite difficult for me to d…

Level 4 Chapter 2 Lesson 6

Do you have friends who cosplay? 1. No, I don't have any friends who cosplay around me.2. But I know there are a large number of young people who are enthusiasm with wearing cosplay dresses just as the same ones the anime charactores are o…


you said - I have still involved in my musical activities as a conductor musical director.Better - I *am* still involved in my musical activities as a conductor musical director. You said - I've heard I should wear the some formal style/ w…

with April

You told me you belong to church choir to take part in soprano. Are you a devout christian believer? At the previous lesson, I tried to express my thoughts, but it was not properly enough. So i wrote a small essay what I wanted to express.…

4-2-4 I want something casual and stylish.

At what time does the sun rise in the morning twilight? twilight has two meanings, one is the scenery of sun rise and or sunset, the other one is the time of one's ending life. As an ordinary aging man, I like to wear something plain and c…

4-2-3: Gabrielle was the designer who created the little black dress.

Are you a devout Christian believer? I imagined that from your name "faith". The most important role of a teacher is to inspire students to learn. i consider it the most important for teachers to inspire students to learn. the designer inv…

Lesson 2: The Best Places to Shop

proceedの使い方 Please proceed to gate 10. Another apprentice asked me that last week. I didn't know what "apprentice" meant, so I looked it up in the dictionary.But some of the meanings shown by the dictionary don't fit to this sentence.Y…

9月3日 replace "passion" to"enthusiasm"

You are passionate about teaching.You have a passion for teaching. replace "passion" to"enthusiasm"adjevtive :enthusiastic You are enthusiastic about teaching English. naun:enthusiasm Your enthusiasms is teaching English. verb:enthuse T…


Tutor; Icy I pursued teaching. 教えることを追求しました。 I always make it my objective to create a fun, challenging, and exciting environment for my students. As for my hobbies, I enjoy listening to music and reading articles. 私は常に、…

First of all, I have to apologize for not being able to attend your class on a couple days ago. i did the same fault as you did. I was still in bed when you opened my booked slot. please forgive my mistake. yesterday i flew back home from …


Angela GraceI'm a language enthusiast. I also love traveling because I consider it an amazing experience to have the opportunity to meet other people. I am thrilled to have a great and impactful English learning class with you. 私は言語愛…

he is doing a Tightrope walking carefully. They are running quickly rapidly as diet training to reduce their weght. A grandmother and two grandchildren are waliking slowly and enjoying their talk happily in the park. His wife arranges his …

8月24日メモ AngelaGrace

Is box the degree or unit for counting pizza?At the markets some frozen pizza are not sold in the boxes, just only covered with transparent plastic materials.In this case, how do you count them? Please tell me the difference among the foll…

8月21日メモ Rosan

挨拶 I have missed you so much since the last time I saw you. I have been looking forward to talking with you again.How frenquently do you open your slots, and what day of the week can i take your classes? 新しい表現 i was running some err…