

V. Zelenskyy Second Address to the U.S. Congress on 21 December 2022,


Thank you so much for that. Thank you. It's too much for me -- all this for our great people. Thank you so much.

Dear Americans, in all states, cities, and communities -- all those who value freedom and justice, who cherish it as strongly as we Ukrainians in all our cities, in each and every family: I hope my words of respect and gratitude resonate in each American heart.

Madam Vice President, I thank you for your efforts in helping Ukraine. Madam Speaker, you bravely visited Ukraine during the full-fledged war. Thank you very much. A great honor. Thank you.

Great privilege to be here. Dear members of the Congress, representatives of both parties, who also visited Kyiv; esteemed congressmen and senators from both parties who will visit Ukraine, I'm sure, in the future; dear representatives of [the] diaspora,



副大統領夫人、ウクライナを支援するためのあなたの努力に感謝します。 議長、あなたは本格的な戦争中に勇敢にウクライナを訪れました。 どうもありがとうございます。 とても光栄です。 ありがとうございました。

ここにいることは大きな特権です。 同じくキエフを訪問した両党の代表者である国会議員の皆様。 両党の尊敬すべき下院議員と上院議員は、将来ウクライナを訪れると確信しています。 親愛なるディアスポラの代表者の皆様、


present in this Chamber, and spread across the country; dear journalists:

It's a great honor for me to be at the U.S. Congress and speak to you and all Americans. Against all odds, and doom and gloom scenarios, Ukraine didn't fold. Ukraine is alive and kicking.

私が米国議会に出席し、あなたとすべてのアメリカ人に話すことは非常に光栄です. 反対 -- すべての奇妙な出来事運命暗がりのシナリオに対して。
ウクライナはフォールド負けしませんでした。 ウクライナは生きていて、蹴っています。


Thank you.


And it gives me good reason to share with you our first -- first joint victory: We defeated Russia in the battle for the minds of the world. We have no fear, nor should anyone in the world have it.

Ukrainians gained this victory -- and it gives us courage which inspires the entire world.

Americans gained this victory -- and that's why you have succeeded in uniting the global community to protect freedom and international law.

Europeans gained this victory -- and that's why Europe is now stronger and more independent than ever.

The Russian tyranny has lost control over us,


そして、私たちの最初の共同勝利を皆さんと分かち合う十分な理由があります。私たちは、世界の精神をめぐる戦いでロシアを打ち負かしました。 私たちには恐れがありませんし、世界中の誰も恐れるべきではありません。
アメリカ人はこの勝利を収めました。それが、自由と国際法を守るためにグローバル コミュニティを団結させることに成功した理由です。

and it -- it will never influence our minds again. Yet, we have to do whatever it takes to ensure that countries of the Global South also gain such victory.

I know one more, I think very important, thing: The Russians will stand a chance to be free only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds.

ロシアの専制政治は私たちをコントロールできなくなりました。二度と私たちの心に影響を与えることはありません。 それでも、グローバル・サウス??の国々もそのような勝利を確実に得るために必要なことは何でもしなければなりません。



Yet, the battle continues and we have to defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield.
Yes, this battle is not only for the territory, for this or another part of Europe.
The battle is not only for life, freedom, and security of Ukrainians or any other nation which Russia attempts to conquer. This struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live, and then their children and grandchildren. It will define whether it will be a democracy of Ukrainians, and for Americans, for all.

しかし、戦いは続き、戦場でクレムリンを倒さなければなりません。はい、この戦いは領土だけでなく、ヨーロッパのこの地域または別の地域のためのものです。 この戦いは、ウクライナ人やロシアが征服しようとしている他の国の生命、自由、安全のためだけのものではありません。 この闘争は、私たちの子供と孫がどの世界で生きるかを定義し、その子供と孫を意味付けします。 それは、それがウクライナ人の、そしてアメリカ人にとって、すべての人にとっての民主主義になるかどうかを決定します。

This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, and from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time to feel safe when such a battle continues.

この戦闘は凍結または延期できません。 海や何かが守ってくれることを期待して、それを無視することはできません。 米国から中国、ヨーロッパからラテンアメリカ、アフリカからオーストラリアに至るまで、世界はあまりにも相互に関連し、相互に依存しているため、誰かが傍観し、同時にそのような戦いが続くときに安全を感じることができません.

Our two nations are allies in this battle. And next year will be a turning point, I know it, the point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values.

私たちの 2 つの国は、この戦いで同盟国です。 そして来年はターニングポイントになるだろう、私はそれを知っている.ウクライナの勇気とアメリカの決意が、私たちの共通の自由、彼らの価値観を支持する人々の自由の未来を保証しなければならない.【apploud】

Ladies and Gentlemen -- Ladies and Gentlemen,

Americans, yesterday before coming here to Washington, D.C., I was at the frontline in our Bakhmut. In our stronghold in the east of Ukraine, in the Donbas, the Russian military and mercenaries have been attacking Bakhmut nonstop since May. They have been attacking it day and night.  But Bakhmut stands.

アメリカのみなさま、昨日ここワシントン D.C. に来る前に、私はバフムートの最前線にいました。 ウクライナ東部のドンバスにある私たちの本拠地では、ロシア軍と傭兵が5月からノンストップでバフムートを攻撃しています。 彼らは昼夜を問わず攻撃を続けています。 しかし、バフムートは立っている


Last year -- Last year, 70,000 people lived there in Bakhmut, in this city, and now only a few civilians stay. Every inch of that land is soaked in blood. Roaring guns sound every hour. Trenches in the Donbas changed hands several times a day in fierce combat and even [hand-to-hand] fighting. But the Ukrainian Donbas stands!

昨年、この都市のバフムートには 70,000 人が住んでいましたが、現在は数人の民間人しか残っていません。その土地の隅々まで血に染まっています。 轟音の銃声が 1 時間ごとに鳴り響く。 ドンバスの塹壕は、1日に数回、激しい戦闘や[白兵戦]で持ち主が変わりました。 しかし、ウクライナのドンバスは立っています!


Russians -- Russians use everything, everything they have against Bakhmut, and other our [sic] beautiful cities. The occupiers have a significant advantage in artillery. They have an advantage in ammunition. They have much more missiles and planes than we ever had. Yes, it's true, but our Defense Forces stand.

ロシア人は、バフムートやその他の美しい都市に対して、持てるすべてのものを使用します。 占領者は砲兵において大きなアドバンテージを持っています。 彼らは弾薬に有利です。 彼らは私たちがかつて持っていたよりもはるかに多くのミサイルと飛行機を持っています. はい、それは本当ですが、私たちの防衛軍は立っています。


And we -- And -- And we all our proud of them.

The Russians' tactic is primitive. They burn down and destroy everything they see. They sent thugs to the frontlines. They sent convicts to the war. They threw everything against us -- similar to the other tyranny, which is in the Battle of the Bulge, threw everything it had against the free world. Just like the brave American soldiers which held their lines and fought back Hitler's forces during the Christmas of 1944, brave Ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to Putin's forces this Christmas.

ロシア人の戦術は原始的です。 彼らは見るものすべてを燃やし、破壊します。 彼らは凶悪犯を最前線に送りました。 彼らは囚人を戦争に送りました。 彼らは私たちに対してすべてを投げつけました-バルジの戦いにある他の専制政治と同様に、自由世界に対して持っているすべてを投げました。 1944 年のクリスマスに戦線を維持してヒトラー軍に反撃した勇敢なアメリカ兵のように、今年のクリスマスには勇敢なウクライナ兵がプーチン軍に同じことをしています。


Ukraine -- Ukraine holds its lines and will never surrender.


So -- So, here is the frontline: the tyranny, which has no lack of cruelty, against the lives of free people. And your support is crucial, not just to stand in such [a] fight but to get to the turning point -- to win on the battlefield. We have artillery, yes. Thank you. We have it. Is it enough? Honestly, not really.

だから、ここに最前線があります:自由な人々の生活に対する残酷さの欠如のない専制政治。 そして、そのような戦いに立ち向かうだけでなく、戦場で勝利するというターニングポイントに到達するためにも、あなたのサポートは不可欠です. はい、大砲があります。 ありがとうございました。 私たちはそれを持っている。 それは十分か? 正直なところ、そうではありません。

To ensure Bakhmut is not just a stronghold that holds back the Russian Army -- but for the Russian Army to completely pull out -- more cannons and shells are needed. If so, just like the Battle of Saratoga, the fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence and for freedom. If your Patriots stop the Russian terror against our cities, it will let Ukrainian patriots work to the full to defend our freedom.

バフムートがロシア軍を抑止するだけの拠点ではなく、ロシア軍が完全に撤退できるようにするためには、より多くの大砲と砲弾が必要です。 もしそうなら、サラトガの戦いのように、バフムートの戦いは、独立と自由のための戦争の軌道を変えるでしょう. あなたの愛国者が私たちの都市に対するロシアのテロを止めれば、ウクライナの愛国者は私たちの自由を守るために全力を尽くすことができます.

When Russia -- When Russia cannot reach our cities by its artillery, it tries to destroy them with missile attacks. More than that, Russia found an ally in this -- in this genocidal policy: Iran. Iranian deadly drones, sent to Russia in hundreds -- in hundreds, became a threat to our critical infrastructure. That is how one terrorist has found the other. It is just a matter of time when they will strike against your other allies if we do not stop them now. We must do it.

ロシアが大砲で都市に到達できない場合、ミサイル攻撃で都市を破壊しようとします。 それ以上に、ロシアはこの大量虐殺政策で同盟国を見つけた:イランだ。 ロシアに送られたイランの致命的な無人偵察機は、数百単位でロシアの重要なインフラストラクチャに対する脅威になりました。 それが、あるテロリストが他のテロリストを見つけた方法です。 今すぐ阻止しなければ、彼らがあなたの他の同盟国を攻撃するのは時間の問題です。 私たちはそれをしなければなりません。 【続く】



I believe -- I believe there should be no taboos between us in our alliance. Ukraine never asked the American soldiers to fight on our land instead of us. I assure you that Ukrainian soldiers can perfectly operate American tanks and planes themselves.


Financial -- Financial assistance is also critically important, and I would like to thank you, thank you very much, thank you for both financial packages you have already provided us with, and the ones you may be willing to decide on. Your money is not charity. It's an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.


Russia -- Russia could stop its aggression, really, if it wanted to. But you can speed up our victory. I know it. And it -- And it will prove to any potential aggressor that no one can succeed in breaking national borders, no one committing atrocities and reigning over people again[st] their will.

It would be naive to wait for steps towards peace from Russia, which enjoys being a terrorist state. Russians are still poisoned by the Kremlin. The restoration of international legal order is our joint task. We need peace, yes. Ukraine has already offered proposals, which I just discussed with President Biden, our Peace Formula, 10 points which should and must be implemented for our joint security -- guaranteed for decades ahead; and the summit, which can be held.I am glad to stress that President Biden supported our peace initiative today. Each of you, ladies and gentlemen, can assist in the implementation to ensure that America's leadership remains solid, bicameral, and bipartisan. Thank you.


You can strengthen sanctions to make Russia feel how ruinous its aggression truly is. It is in your power, really, to help us bring to justice everyone who started this unprovoked and criminal war. Let’s do it. Let terrorist --


Let the terrorist state be held responsible for its terror and aggression, and compensate all losses done by this war. Let the world see that the United States are here.

Ladies and Gentlemen -- Ladies and Gentlemen, Americans,

In two days we will celebrate Christmas -- maybe candlelit. Not because it’s more romantic, no, but because there will not be -- will be no electricity. Millions won’t have neither heating nor running water. All of these will be the result of Russian missile and drone attacks on our energy infrastructure. But we do not complain. We do not judge and compare whose life is easier. Your well-being is the product of your national security -- the result of your struggle for independence, and your many victories.

We, Ukrainians, will also go through our war of independence and freedom with dignity and success.


We’ll celebrate Christmas, celebrate Christmas and, even if there is no electricity, the light of our faith in ourselves will not be put out. If Russian -- If Russian missiles attack us, we’ll do our best to protect ourselves. If they attack us with Iranian drones and our people will have to go to bomb shelters on Christmas Eve, Ukrainians will still sit down at the holiday table and cheer up each other. And we don’t -- don’t have to know every -- everyone’s wish, as we know that all of us, millions of Ukrainians, wish the same: Victory. Only victory.


We already built a strong Ukraine -- with strong people, strong army, strong institutions -- together with you. We developed strong security guarantees for our country and for entire Europe and the world together with you. And also together with you, we’ll put in place everyone who will defy freedom. "Put-in." [Putin] This will be the basis to protect democracy in Europe and the world over.

Now, on [this] special Christmas time, I want to thank you -- all of you.

I thank every American family which cherishes the warmth of its home and wishes the same warmth to other people.

I thank President Biden and both parties, at the Senate and the House,for your invaluable assistance.

I thank your cities and your citizens who supported Ukraine this year, who hosted our Ukrainians, our people, who waved our national flags, who acted to help us. Thank -- Thank you all, from everyone who is now at the frontline, from everyone who is awaiting victory.

Standing here today, I recall the words of the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which are, I think, so good for this moment: "The American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory." The Ukrainian people will win, too. Absolutely.

I know that everything depends on us, on Ukrainian Armed Forces. Yet, so much depends on the world. So much in the world depends on you.

When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our -- our heroes gave me the flag, the battle flag, the flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe, and the world at the cost of their lives. They asked me to bring this flag to you, to the U.S. Congress, to members of the House of Representatives and senators whose decisions can save millions of people.

So, let these decisions be taken. Let this flag stay with you, ladies and gentlemen. This flag is a symbol of our victory in this war. We stand. We fight. And we will win because we are united -- Ukraine, America, and the entire free world.


[Flag presented.]

Just one thing, if I can, the -- the last thing: Thank you so much. May God protect our brave troops and citizens. May God forever bless the United States of America. Merry Christmas and a happy, victorious New Year.