

総合英語コース5 Lesson 39 形式主語・形式目的語を使った文

I Am an English Teacher
1.  It is interesting to learn the differences between Japanese and English. 
2.  In Japanese, they use hiragana, katakana and kanji characters. 
3.  In English, they use the letters of the alphabet like A, B, C, D, E and so on.
4.  In Japanese sentence structures, the verb is usually placed at the end of the sentence. 
5.  In English, the sentence structure usually starts with the subject followed by the verb and then the object of the sentence. 
6.  Japanese speakers are not familiar with sounds like -r, -l, -th etc., and that’s why they have difficulty in pronouncing them. 
7.  I find it important to know the differences between the two languages. 
8.  It is better to know what makes the two languages different so that we can easily adjust to our student’s needs. 
9.  As a teacher, it is essential to have an idea about your student’s native tongue.


1. 日本語と英語の違いを学ぶのは興味深いです。
2. 日本語では、ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字が使われます。
3. 英語では、A、B、C、D、E などのアルファベットを使用します。
4. 日本語の文構造では、動詞は通常文の最後に置かれます。
5. 英語では、文の構造は通常、主語で始まり、次に動詞、そして文の目的語が続きます。
6. 日本語話者は -r、-l、-th などの音声に慣れていないため、発音が困難です。
7. 私は2 つの言語の違いを知ることが重要だと思います。
8. 生徒のニーズに簡単に適応できるように、2 つの言語の違いを理解しておいたほうがよいでしょう。
9. 教師として、生徒の母語について理解しておくことは不可欠です。


1. structure
English is grammatically completely different from Japanese in structure.

2. subject

In both English and Japanese, the subject is at the beginning of the sentence. While in English the verb is placed after the subject,  in Japanese the verb is put at the end of the sentence.

3. object

The basic word order in English is S+V+Object/Complement, but in Japanese it is S+Object/Complement+V.

4. essential

In addition to understanding grammatical construction, it is essential to have a rich vocabulary.

5. native tongue
I am really impressed with the English education system in the Philippines. Although many dialects are used in everyday life in the Philippines, most of the people speak English as their mother tongue.