


名詞 noun
代名詞 pronoun
動詞 verb
他動詞 transitive verb
自動詞 intransitive verb
助動詞 auxiliary verb
形容詞 adjective
副詞 adverb
前置詞 preposition
接続詞 conjunction
間投詞 interjection
冠詞 article
不定冠詞 indefinite article
定冠詞 definite article
疑問詞 interrogative / interrogative word / question word
名詞関連用語 noun-related terms
単数形 singular
複数形 plural
可算名詞 countable noun
不可算名詞 uncountable noun
he の所有格 the possessive case of he
she の目的格 the object case of he
形容詞関連用語 adjective-related terms
比較 comparison
原級 positive / positive degree
比較級 comparative / comparative degree
最上級 superlative / superlative degree
形容詞の比較級 comparative of an adjective
動詞関連用語 verb-related terms
動詞の原形 verb root
過去形 past form
過去分詞 past participle
三人称 third person
三人称単数現在 third person singular
三単現 third person singular
規則変化の動詞 verb with regular conjugation / regular verb
不規則変化の動詞 verb with irregular conjugation / irregular verb
不定 infinitive
原形不定 bare infinitive
動名詞 gerund
現在分詞 present participle
状態動詞 stative verb / state verb
動作動詞/動作の動詞 active verb / action verb
群動詞 phrasal verb
句動詞 phrasal verb
動詞句 verb phrase/verbal phrase
副詞関連用語 adverb-related terms
度合いの副詞 adverb of degree / degree adverb
頻度の副詞 adverb of frequency / frequency adverb
句読点 punctuation
ピリオド . period
カンマ , comma
クエスチョンマーク ? question mark
感嘆符 ! exclamation mark
コロン : colon
セミコロン ; semicolon
アポストロフィー ' apostrophe
引用符 " quotation mark
時制 tense
現在形 present tense / present form
過去形 past tense / past form
現在進行形 present continuous tense / present progressive tense
未来形 future tense / future form
現在完了形 present perfect tense / present perfect form
過去進行形 past progressive tense / past progressive form
未来進行形 future continuous tense / future continuous form
現在完了進行形 present perfect continuous tense / present perfect continuous form
過去完了形 past perfect tense / past perfect form
未来完了形 future perfect tense / future perfect form
主語 subject
目的語 object
補語 complement
文型 sentence pattern
能動態 active voice
受動態 passive voice
構文/文の構造 sentence structure
肯定文 affirmative sentence / positive sentence
否定文 negative sentence
疑問文 interrogative sentence / question sentence
感嘆文 exclamatory sentence
命令文 imperative sentence
名詞句 nominal phrase / noun phrase
名詞節 nominal clause / noun clause
形容詞句 adjectival phrase / adjective phrase
形容詞節 adjectival clause / adjective clause
関係代名詞 relative pronoun
分詞構文 participial construction
直接話法 direct speech
間接話法 indirect speech
時制の一致 sequence of tenses
仮定法 subjunctive mood
仮定法過去 past subjunctive
条件節 conditional clause / clause of condition
表現例: example sentences
maintain の名詞形は何ですか? What is the noun form of "maintain"?
better の原級は何ですか? What is the positive (degree) of "better"?
good の比較級は何ですか? What is the comparative (degree) of "good"?
good の最上級は何ですか? What is the superlative (degree) of "good"?