

Conversation(Intermediate Chapter 1)| Lesson2: Hobbies

5. Do you think it is okay to depend on our parents as an adult? Why or why not? 
It depends on the matter you are facing. Generally speaking, financially an adult is expected to be independent. However, one with disability of mental nor physical need to be supported by their parents and public organization.

depend on

 ①   ~に頼る、~を当てにする
    ・I depended on him, time and again. : 彼には何かにつけて世話になった。
 ②  ~によって決まる、~次第である
    ・Your future depends on your efforts. : あなたの将来(がどうなるか)は、あなたの努力次第です。


① 投資する
② 注ぐ


The refrigerator prevents foods from rotting under warm circumstances.