

External Exam|外部試験対策 High school advanced level 5

Nowadays, some parents choose to homeschool their children. It is a way of studying at home instead of going to school. A homeschool teacher teaches one child at a time, so there is better understanding. On the other hand, teachers in school teach many students. Some parents prefer such a way and by doing so, more kids learn better in the comfort of their homes.

According to the passage, how do more kids learn better in the comfort of their homes?
By choosing to homeschool their children instead of going to school.

今日、一部の親は子供をホームスクーリングすることを選択します。 学校に行かずに家で勉強する方法です。 ホームスクールの先生は一度に一人の子供に教えるので、理解が深まります。 一方、学校の教師は多くの生徒に教えます。 一部の親はそのような方法を好み、そうすることで、より多くの子供たちが自宅で快適に学習できるようになります。


1.    In the first picture, what did the son tell his mother?
The son told his mother that he was joining a soccer team
2.  In the second picture, what was the mother thinking?
She was thinking that her son preferred to eat vegetables, so his body was not tough enough to stand hard excises.
3. In the third picture, what was the son doing?
After being a member of the team, he become to eat much more meat than before to make his body strong.
4. In the third picture, what was the mother thinking?
Because of his preference of meals has been changed, her son could enjoy playing succorer with his tough body. The mother thinking the discussion was right for making him health.


PART C_2 Some people say homeschooling is better than studying in a regular school. What do you think about that?


I agree. In the regular school the classes consist of many kind of kids. For teaches it is required to teach them from the basic to the advanced. It is impossible, some student can understand lessons easily, but the other kids cannot catch up with what teacher talks. I think it is effective for smart kid to provide homeschooling.


I disagree. The school is not only the place to teach lesson materials but also the place to learn social regulation, manners and communication to others. Homeschooling cannot teach these things because it is isolate from the society.