



大見出し<h3>サンプル 中見出し<h4>サンプル cssの記述 /*見出し*/.entry-content h4 {border-left: 3px solid #cc9966;padding: .2em 4em;} h4 {padding-left: 50px;background: url(https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/n/npo-musicgrace/20230523/202</h4></h3>…

総合英語コース5 Lesson 11 100,000 starve in South Sudan famine: U.N.

100,000 starve in South Sudan famine: U.N. 音声ダウンロード South Sudan's government is spending at least half its budget on security and weapons while 100,000 people are dying of starvation as a result of famine caused mainly by an upsurg…

総合英語コース5 Lesson 10 独立分詞構文と慣用表現

予習 (1) School (being / been ) over, the students went home. (2) All things ( considering / considered ), he is fairly a good student. =very (3) The train ( crowding / being crowded ), we had to stand all the way home. (4) Generally ( spe…