


・感染する be infected by (with), contract


Some people are already infected by COVID-19.




Unfortunately, one of my coworkers has contracted the COVID-19.






・うつす pass the virus on to, give the virus to


People with the virus can easily pass it on to other people.




Let's put on a mask so we can avoid giving the virus to other people.






・消毒する sanitize, disinfect


You should sanitize your hands before you eat.




Please disinfect your hands before going in.






・検温する take one's temperature


Could I take your temperature?








 stay home




 refrain from(慎む、控える)


 voluntarily close (営業を自粛する)


I was staying home during summer vacation.


I self-quarantined during summer vacation.




Let's refrain from going out unless necessary.




Most gyms in Japan voluntarily closed until the end of Gordon Week.






・不要不急の外出 nonessential and non-urgent outings, unnecessary outings


The company asked all the employees to refrain from any nonessential and non-urgent outings.




Let's avoid unnecessary outings.






・自粛疲れ cabin fever(家に閉じ込められてイライラする状態)


I'm sick of cabin fever (self-quarantine).




This rainy season gives me cabin fever.







