

Comedy or Action: Which Christmas Film is Right for You?


eikaiwa.dmm.comHello Ken-san. It was a pleasure meeting you today. It was our first class together so we had our introductions first. After that, we read a Daily News material for our class that was entitled, " 25 Years After Release, Christmas Classic Hits No.1". It was an interesting article that talked about the song "All I want For Christmas is You". It was released by Mariah Carey in 1994 but it has reached no. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart this year. This song always reaches the top of the charts every Christmas Season. Perhaps people like listening to it because of its very jolly tune. You did an excellent job answering all the questions. After which, we had a discussion about the article. Keep up the good work. Thank you very much , Ken-san. See you next time. Take care. Have a great day. :)

eikaiwa.dmm.comThank You for a great lesson today, Ken-san :) It was my pleasure teaching you because you are a very hard-working student. You were really good at understanding new vocabulary, pronunciation and you can express your thoughts very clearly. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you soon. :) Take care! :D

Comedy or Action: Which Christmas Film is Right for You?

There are a lot of Christmas films to choose from, so how do you know which is the right one for you? Here's our guide to must-see movies for everyone.


If you like classic movies, It's a Wonderful Life might be the film for you. Made in 1946, it is the story of George Bailey, an unhappy man who one Christmas gets to see how much worse the world would be without him.


British film Love, Actually brings some romance to Christmas. The movie has eight different stories about love, such as one in which the British prime minister falls in love with the ordinary girl who works for him. Even though the movie is about love, it's also quite funny.


For a Christmas comedy, try Elf. Buddy the Elf realizes he isn't like the other elves helping Santa in the North Pole and goes to New York to find his human father. The film is full of jokes that children and adults can enjoy, but is also a nice story about family.


Action film Die Hard might not be what everyone thinks of for Christmas, but the story does start with a Christmas party at Nakatomi Plaza, where a New York police officer has to protect his wife and an office full of people from a terrorist group.


If you can't choose between comedy and action, watch Home Alone. When Kevin McCallister wishes his family would go away, he doesn't expect to wake up to see they've gone on vacation without him. And he doesn't expect to fight off criminals from his house with very funny results.

クリスマス映画の選択肢は多数あるが、自分にピッタリのものはどうしたら分かるだろうか。 ここで誰もが観るべき必見の映画をリストアップしよう。

古典映画が好きなら素晴らしき哉、人生!はあなたにピッタリの映画だ。 1946年制作のこのストーリーは、ジョージ・ベイリーという不幸な男性が、もし自分が居なかったら世界はどれほど悲惨な場所になるかを、あるクリスマスの日に見せられるというものだ。

イギリスの映画、ラブ・アクチュアリーはクリスマスにロマンチックさを加えてくれる。 この映画には、英首相が自分の所で働く普通の女性と恋に落ちるなど、8組の恋愛物語がそれぞれ展開していく。 恋愛を題材にした映画だが、なかなか笑える。

クリスマスコメディーならエルフ~サンタの国からやってきた~を試してほしい。 エルフのバディは、自分が北極でサンタの手伝いをしている他のエルフたちと違うことに気付き、人間の実の父親を探しにニューヨークへ行く。 この映画には子どもも大人も楽しめる冗談が盛りだくさんだが、同時に家族についての心温まるストーリーでもある。


コメディーものとアクションもので迷っているなら、ホーム・アローンを観るべきだ。 ケビン・マカリスターは家族がいなくなればいいと思っていたが、まさか目が覚めたとき、自分を置いてみんなが旅行へ行ってしまうとは思ってもいなかった。 そして自分の家から犯罪者を撃退し、おかしな結末を迎えるとも思っていなかった。

Nice to meet you, Ken-san :)
Gaga Po, 08:16
classic =typical
This is a classic example of a Japanese garden.
Orthodox church