

「ローマの休日」04 トランプゲーム


Inside the room are sat Joe Bradley, Irving Radovich, and several

other men around a poker table.


CARD PLAYER 1. Bet five hundred.


JOE [placing his bet down, firmly] Five hundred. How many?


IRVING [placing his bet] One. The others still in the game place



CARD PLAYER 1. I'll take one.




JOE. Fool, boy. [Checks his cards; bets more] Two for papa.


CARD PLAYER 1 [places a note in the pool] Five hundred more.


JOE [following] Without lookin'.


IRVING. Five hundred; and, er [clears his throat], raise you a

thousand. Joe looks at him suspiciously. Irving rubs his beard

but stays unemotional. Joe places his money in the pool.


CARD PLAYER 1 [laying his cards down] Two pairs.


JOE. Oh, well I got three shy little sevens.


IRVING. Er, a nervous straight [lays his cards down; Then, with

relish] Come home, you beauties. [Counting his money as he picks

it up; Joe looks on grimly] Now, look at that: six thousand five

hundred-ah, not bad, that's ten bucks.ドル [As the dealer gathers the

cards back and Joe does up his tie] Er, one more round and I'm

gonna throw you gents right out in the snow..雪にほうり出てやる. The remaining

players objective to his leaving: Say-; what-; wait a minute-,



IRVING. I got to get up early: date with Her Royal Highness who

will [dramatically] graciously pose for some pictures.


JOE. What do you mean, early? My personal invitation says eleven



CARD PLAYER 1. Couldn't be anything to do with the fact that

you're ahead? 関係している


IRVING [smiling] It could.


JOE. It works out fine for me:良い結果となる

this is my last five thousand and you hyenas are not gonna get it. ハイエナ

[Putting his money in his pocket, patting Irving on the back] Thanks a lot, Irving.




JOE [getting up] See you at Annie's little party in the morning.


IRVING. Ciao, Joe.


JOE [picking up his jacket off the back of the chair] Yeah, ciao.

[The other men say goodbye: Goodnight, Joe; Ciao; Stay sober,



IRVING [as Joe leaves] Alright! a little seven card stud.


CARD PLAYER 1. Ok with me.