

「ローマの休日」02 素顔の王女


Later that night in Princess Ann's bedchamber. She stands on her

bed dressed in her nightgown, her hair let down. She picks up the

skirt of her nightgown and drops it.


ANN [brushing her hair]

I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns. And I hate all my underwear too.

COUNTESS [coming over to tend to her bed, dressed in a bedrobe

and wearing glasses]

My dear, you have lovely things.


ANN. But I'm not two hundred years old! [Dropping down on the

bed] Why can't I sleep in pyjamas?


COUNTESS [looking up as she folds the sheets into place] Pyjamas!


ANN. Just the top half. [The Countess takes off her glasses,

shocked, then walks over to the window. Ann pulls the covers over

her, sitting up] Did you know there are people who sleep with

absolutely nothing on at all?


COUNTESS [opening the window] I rejoice to say 幸いにも that I did not.


ANN [lying against the headboard, smiling as she hears distant

music coming in through the window] Listen. [She jumps up out of

bed and runs over to the window, looking out].


COUNTESS. Oh, and your slippers. [She goes to fetch them from

beside the bed as Ann looks out with pleasure at the dancing

going on far below in the distance] Please put on your slippers

and come away at the window. [Ann walks back to the bed,

dejected, as the Countess shuts the window. The Countess holds a

tray] Your milk and crackers.


ANN [taking the tray; as the Countess helps her pull the covers

over her] Everything we do is so wholesome.健康に良い


COUNTESS. They'll help you to sleep.


ANN [stubbornly] I'm too tired to sleep-can't sleep a wink.一睡も


COUNTESS [putting on her glasses, taking a diary from the

bedtable] Now my dear, if you don't mind: tomorrow's schedule-or

schedule [(skedule)], whichever you prefer-both are correct.

[Running through the items with a pen] Eight thirty, breakfast

here with the Embassy staff; nine o'clock, we leave for the

Polinory Automotive Works where you'll be presented with a small



ANN [disinterested; absently playing with a napkin] Thank you.


COUNTESS. Which you will not accept.


ANN. No, thank you.


COUNTESS. Ten thirty-five, inspection視察 of food and agricultural

organisation will present you with an olive tree.


ANN. No, thank you.


COUNTESS. Which you will accept.


ANN. Thank you.


COUNTESS. Ten fifty-five, the Newfoundling Home For Orphans. You

will preside 主催する over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as

last Monday.


ANN. Trade relations?




ANN [chewing a cracker] For the orphans?


COUNTESS. No, no, the other one.


ANN. 'Youth and progress'.


COUNTESS. Precisely. そのとおりです。Eleven forty-five, back here to rest. No,

that's wrong... eleven forty-five, conference here with the



ANN. 'Sweetness and decency'優しさと礼節 [she rolls her eyes].


COUNTESS. One o'clock sharpきっちり, lunch with the Foreign Ministry. You

will wear your white lace and carry a small bouquet of (& ANN)

very small pink roses. [The Countess looks up, unimpressed.

Continuing, as Ann drinks her milk from a glass] Three-o five,

presentation of a plaque.(金属焼き物ぞうげなどでできた)飾り板.

ANN [to an imagined guest] Thank you.)

Four-ten, review観閲する special guard of * Police. (ANN. No, thank you.)

Four forty-five (ANN. How do you do?) back here to change (ANN

[becoming distressed] Charmed.) to your uniform (ANN. So happy.)

to meet the international-.


ANN [screaming at the Countess] STOP!!! [Looking away, her hair

covering her face] Please stop! stop...!


COUNTESS [retrieving the tray] It's alright, dear, it didn't

spillこぼれる [she places the tray on the table].


ANN. I don't care if it's spilled or not.こぼれようがこぼれまいが

I don't care if I

[throws her head into the pillow] drown in it! それが水浸しになろうが


COUNTESS [putting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her] My

dear, you're ill. I'll send for 呼びに行かせましょうDoctor Bonnachoven.


ANN [turning over, facing the opposite way] I don't want Doctor

Bonnachoven; please let me die in peace!平穏に、安からに、


COUNTESS. You're not dying.


ANN [facing the Countess] Leave me. [Sitting up, shouting at her]

Leave me!


COUNTESS. It's nerves;神経質いらいら. control yourself Ann.


ANN [throwing herself on the pillow, beating it with her fist] I

don't want to!


COUNTESS [standing up straight, speaking with authority] Your

Highness [Ann continues blubbing]. I'll get Doctor Bonnachoven

[she heads for the door].


ANN [looking up as she leaves] It's no use無駄よ; I'll be dead before

he gets here [she gives a defiant blub].