


If you do not mind, let me choose today's lesson from the section of Travel / Culture,Japan,Level 6,01,Kinkakuji. Through this section,I would like to take you to Japanese landscape.

I will read ahead of you.
If I make mistakes in pronunciation and emphasis, please correct them soon.

If I make mistakes in pronunciation and stress, please correct them soon.

First of all is the vocabulary.
You can see a smoll triangle turned upside down at the bottom of the box.
Please click it and open the box as well.

Next, I will read the article one paragraph by one paragraph.

I do not know the meaning of this word.

This word is also used like this.

This word contains meaning of "gentle", dosen't it?.
This word implicit "gentle" meaning.

I could read this sentence, but I do not understand the meaning accurantly.

- ー ー ー ー ー ー
Please tell me the reaction word.

well done

I am not able to prepare the Video camera unfortunately for today's lesson. I will enjoy your beautiful voice without your elegant face.