

速読速聴・Core1800 第6章 環境【34~40】

【34】Everest off-limits to bottled drinks.

The Nepalese government Monday banned all bottled drinks from the Everest region to  littering on the slopes of the world's highest peak.

Empty bottles have been a main concern of Nepalese environmentalists for years. An average of 30,000 trekkers each year are said to leave about 200,000 empty bottles of water, beer and other beverages on the slopes.

0nly drinks bottled in aluminum cans will be permitted in the area as they can be crushed and easily carried back to the base.

 a main concern「主たる懸念」  asは「・・・なので」と理由を導く接続詞



空のボトルは何年もの間ネパールの環境保護主義者の主な関心事でした。 毎年平均30,000人の登山者が、約20万本の空のボトルの水、ビール、その他の飲料を斜面に残していると言われています。




【35】Toxic chemcal pollutants found in whales.

Dutch scientists said Wednesday they have found evidence that harmful chemicals have reached deep-sea waters, posing a long-term threat whales and other ocean life.

They said the compounds were similar in their behavior to well-known environmentally harmful chemicals such as PCBs and DDT.

But far from being banned, the compounds are widely used and are found in relatively high concentrations in a wide range of products.

toxic 有毒な posing  引き起こしている similar to ~に似ている far from.「…どころか」  in a wide range d~「広範囲の」                         






【36】Mother activists march to protest vinyl chloride toys.

Citizens' groups and mothers opposed to toys made of vinyl chloride marched to the Health and Welfare Ministry on Tuesday, holding bamboo stalks bearing messages asking for such toys to be eliminated.

At the end of the parade,the protesters asked ministry officials to abolish vinyl chloride toys and carry out more surveys on dioxin content of breast milk.

bamboo stalks  竹の棒 bearing 耐える、熊ではなく「持つ」。 eliminate  ask A(人)to Bで 「AにBしてほしいと要求する」という表現content 含有量 中身 





【37】Hormone-disrupting chemicals .

Concerns about the safety of the poly-carbonate school-lunch dishes have been raised due to recent reports that bis-phenol-A, a chemical substance used to make poly-carbonate, can dissolve under certain conditions and disrupt hormone functions when it enters the body.

Some local governments  intend to replace the plates with those made of another material.

The Health and Welfare Ministry said there is no immediate need to regulate the use of poly-carbonate dishes.

due to ・・しっかり勉強して!!

「due to」 と 「in order to」はそもそも意味が違います。

due to ~ は 「~であるゆえに」 (because of ~) の意ですが、
in order to ~ は 「~するために」(目的) です。

「in order to」か?「due to」か? - 一つの論文のなかで、in ... - Yahoo!知恵袋

 substance 物質 中身  poly-carbonat 「ポリカーボネート 強化プラスチック材」dissolve 溶ける under certain conditions「一定条件のもとで」disrupt 分離する 崩壊する  replace A with B  AをBに置き換える」






【38】Less mercury found in Greenland snow .

A lot less mercury is polluting the snow in Greenland than environmental researchers thought.

Mercury measurements made in the 1970s were plagued by major contamination problems.

New measurements using ultra clean methods found that snow deposited on the Arctic island between 1949 and 1989 contained sharply lower amounts of mercury than had been reported.

Environmentalists have been concerned about mercury in the food chain and studies of remote areas like Greenland were aimed at getting a sense of the amounts of the metal being deposited from the atmosphere. 

plague  悩ませる contamination 不純物  deposite  積もる 保証金  New measurements using ultraclean methods「非常に精度の高い手法を用いた新しい測定方法」  be concerned aboutー「~を心配する,~を危慎する」 food chain「食物連鎖」








【39】0zone layer's depletion.

U.S. government scientists said this year's ozone hole over the Antarctica is the largest ever observed.

Increased amounts of the sun's ultraviolet radiation that reaches the planet's surface because of ozone loss have the potential to increase rates of skin cancer and cataracts in humans, harm some agricultural crops and interfere with marine life.

Since the early 1980s, scientists have gauged the hole by using satellite instruments and weather balloons.

cataract「白内障」   interfere with  悪影響を与える 妨げる gauge  測定する ゲイジ







【40】Earth-friendly seeds .

The U.N.-sponsored climate conference held in Kyoto in December made  people more aware of the global wanning issue, and politicians appear determined to  use oxygen emissions from vegetation as a  bargaining chip in negotiation to reduce so-called green house gases.

While discussing measures to curb the emission of such gases, delegates concluded that they should be able  to measure the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by vegetation.
As everyone should work to prevent global warming, why not plant more  vegetation?  Sakata Seed Co. answers this question by putting on the market a line of seeds it calls EarthAid.

The plants that grow from these seeds will help prevent soil erosion and air pollution.  Kenaf and dichondra seeds are the first in the EarthAid line to hit the shelves. Kenaf, an annual, will grow to be two to four meters  in the first six months.

U.N.ーsponsored 「国連主催の」 aware of~「~に関心を持って」 appear determined  決心したようである as a  bargaining chip in negotiation「交渉における好材料として」curb  抑制する delegate 代表団 erosion 腐敗  put - on the market ~を売り出す  a line of seeds it called...「・・という種の商品」 kenaf and dichondra 「ケナフとダイコンドラ」EarthAidの種の商品名 hit the shelves 「店頭に並ぶ」



そのようなガスの排出を抑える方法について議論する一方で、参加者は、植生によって吸収された二酸化炭素の量を測定できるはずだと結論付けました。誰もが地球温暖化防止に取り組むべきだから、もっと植物を植えてみませんか? Sakata Seed Co.は、この質問に答えるため、EarthAidと呼ばれる種子を市場に投入します。

これらの種子から成長する植物は、土壌侵食と大気汚染の防止に役立ちます。 ケナフとジコンドラの種子は、EarthAidラインで最初に棚にヒットします。 毎年恒例のケナフは、最初の6か月で2〜4メートルに成長します。