

'Make Music Day' Celebrated Around the World

Make Music Day was first celebrated in France in 1982. It is now celebrated every year in over 800 cities in 120 countries.


This year, the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, California, did something special for Make Music Day.


The museum opened its doors to young and old and encouraged everyone to pick up an instrument and play a tune.

 動詞としてもつかわれる I tuned my guitar to it's proper tone.

As they arrived, visitors were greeted with the sounds of the Earth Harp, the largest stringed instrument in the world, strung across the parking lot. Inside, some musicians held group performances, while others simply enjoyed the exhibits. Visitors were invited to play as many instruments as they wanted.


“We want every child that comes through this museum to pluck a string, hit a key, hit a drum,” said museum director Carolyn Grant, “because it doesn’t take much to ignite that spark” and a lifelong passion.

inspire でもいいのかという質問に対して
  literature teacher inspired me in poetry.
 adverb=much much effortが省略されていると考えるべき、と。

Laura Jordon-Smith, mom to a 2-year-old budding musician said: “She loves to learn the words, especially songs that have little hand motions and things. She loves what we do in her music classes.”


Whether playing or listening, music is an exciting means of self-expression, said Grant.


Make Music Day is now a major festival in France, with some 5 million people having played an instrument or sung in public for the event.

メイク・ミュージック・デーが最初に祝われたのは1982年、フランスでであった。 現在では120の国々の800以上の都市で、毎年祝われている。



到着すると、駐車場のいたるところでアースハープという世界で最も弦の長い楽器の演奏が行われており、その音色が訪れる人々を迎えた。 館内では幾人かのミュージシャンがグループ演奏を行ったり、展示をただ楽しむ人たちもいた。 訪れた客は好きなだけ楽器を弾くよう招かれた。


音楽に目覚め始めた2歳の子どもを持つ母親のローラ・ジョードン=スミスさんは語った:「彼女は言葉、特に手遊びのようなものがついている歌を覚えるのが大好きです。 音楽のクラスでしていることが大好きです。」



This coming weekend, we are going to have a huge typhoon so we got prepare.
I escaped the disaster for quite some time in my mountain home.